Medikare Bağcılar Dialysis Center
- All the physicians and nurses in Medikare Dialysis Centre have long years of experience in and training in the field of dialysis. The experience of our team makes us distinctive.
- Regular monthly examinations of the patients are conducted in our internationally accredited laboratories, evaluated by our physicians and undergone a follow-up during the session. Besides, they are routinely examined and controlled by our physicians each month.
- Service is given by considering individual differences.
- Human physiology compatible synthetic dialyser is used. By so doing, complications that might emerge during dialysis session are prevented.
- By the methods such as high-flux and high-efficiency, the hazardous chemicals (such as urea, Creatinine, phosphor, potassium etc.) are affectively and easily removed from the body and life quality is improved.
- Service is given to our patients with Hepatitis B (+), Hepatitis C (+) or Hepatitis (-) in different places and devices.
- In all beds, there are LCD TV's and headphones that give the opportunity to watch TV without disturbing each other. Besides, during the period the patients receive service from our centre, they can make use of free and continuous wireless service.
- By considering the choices of our patients, there will be offerings during the session.
- All of our offerings are produced under our company based on the rules of hygiene and health in the taste you experience at home.
- We have man / woman fitting rooms, wc's for the use of the disabled.
- Our patients are taken from their homes by our air conditioned and comfortable vehicles.
- Our centre is open continuously all along the year and service is given including the official holidays and feasts.
- We prepare a satisfaction survey in order to see the views of the patients we serve.